MUSHROOMJAM is an ongoing exercise in queer worlding: thinking alongside the non-human intelligences of slime mold, lichen and fungi to co-imagine ecologies of collective softening, slow and iterative timescales, and unknowable, polyvocal authorship.

Playful Encounters, Modern Fuel Artist-Run Centre, 18 May - 20 July 2024

This iteration of MUSHROOMJAM aims to trouble capitalist success paradigms, taking the form of a walking simulator, or wandering game, that queers traditional gameplay through a SF (science fiction/speculative fabulation) narrative of a roller derby Jammer turning to Slime Mold as coach.

Enter game here. 

Gentle Disruptions, Union Gallery, 13 June – 5 August 2023

MUSHROOMJAM: re-mattering is a transdisciplinary research project, thinking alongside the lichen actively metabolizing the stone structures of Queen’s University, in particulat Stauffer Library. These composite organisms (symbiotic fungi, algae and cyanobacteria) engage an ecology of collective softening, forming complex communities in otherwise inhospitable locales.

The website will remain-in-progress, with content changing alongside the human and more-than-human organisms engaged. New interactive components will be added between June—August 2023, including a guided walk and a virtual reading group.

Enter site here.